2425 13th Street Saint Cloud, FL 34769 407-891-0071

How Bail Works

How the Bail Process Works

When an individual is arrested for a crime, typically that person will be taken to a local law enforcement station for booking, prior to incarceration in a station lock-up or county jail.  Once arrest and booked, the defendant has options for release pending the conclusion of his or her case.  Bail is design to guarantee the appearance of a defendant in court at the time the judge directs. 

Types of Bonds

Surety Bond

This process involves a contractual undertaking guaranteed by an admitted insurance company having adequate assets to satisfy the face value of the bond.  The bail agent guarantees to the court that they will pay the bond forfeiture if a defendant fails to appear for their scheduled court appearances.  For this service, the defendant is charged a premium (typically 10% of the bail amount with a minimum fee of $100.00).  For example, if the bail amount is $10,000.00, the premium charged is $1,000.00.  Prior to the posting of the surety bond, the defendant’s friend or relative must contact a licensed bail agent.  Once you contact a bail agent, an interview or appointment will be scheduled immediately.  Typically, the 10% premium is fully earned, once the bail bond is posted with a jail or court.  That is how bail agents and their surety companies make their money and pay bills.

By involving the family and friends of a defendant, as well as though the acceptance of collateral, the bail agent can be reasonably assured that the defendant released on a surety bond will appear to all of his/her court appearances.     

After this procedure is completed, the bail agent will post a bond for the full bail amount, financially guaranteeing the defendant’s return to court as scheduled.  With money on the line, the bail agent has a financial interest in supervising bailees, and ensuring that they appear in court each and every time the court orders them to appear.  If the defendant does not appear in court (skips), the bail agent has time and the financial incentive to find the defendant and bring him/her to court.

Signature Bond

When family members or friends take responsibility by signing legal contracts that state, “In the event the defendant fails to show up for court,” they are responsible for the full amount of the bond within 60 days.  These contracts also state that the co-signor is liable for all court, transportation and investigation fees that occur while the defendant is out on bond.

Stay at Home Bonds by Phone

Call our office 407-891-0071 and and an agent will gladly explain how it works and assist you.

What is Collateral?

Collateral is anything of value used financially to secure a bail bond.  Some examples of collateral include houses, cars, boats, jewelry and electronic equipment.  Short on cash?, ask about our payment plans.

Costs and Payments

Saint Cloud Bail Bonds works with you to understand the bail bond process and the obligations you must make in order to get your loved one out of jail. We offer a variety of payment options to meet your financial needs.

Bail Bond Premium Payment Options

Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover

Personal Checks and Cashier’s Checks


Western Union

Wire Transfers

Bail Bond Financing – Payment Plans

If you are not able to pay the full amount of the premium, please call us to see if you qualify for one of the following payment plans.

Homeowners, No Documentation or Collateral Needed
We can bail your friend or loved one out of jail today with no documentation or collateral needed if you are a homeowner and have sufficient equity on approved credit. Loan can be paid back in either one lump sum or comfortable monthly payments.

Fast Phone Approval with 50% Down for Bail Bond
Collateral may still be required. Some of the criteria used to qualify for a loan may include length of employment, credit history and ability to repay the loan. An application is taken over the phone and determination of approval is usually less than 10 minutes.

Other options may be available. Because each situation is unique, please call us so that we can explain in detail what will work best for your particular situation.

Contact one of our agents for an immediate, confidential no-cost consultation by calling 407-891-0071